Thursday, June 7, 2007

Another Reason to Go Back to Nawlins

Louisiana is continuing its push to be named the worst state in the nation. Forget that they had a congressman indicted this week for taking over half a million dollars in bribes; certain New Orleans residents robbed the mother of deceased New England Patriot Marquise Hill WHILE HIS FUNERAL WAS GOING ON. This is right up there with state troopers planting drugs in spring breakers' cars and Mayor Nagin going to Baton Rouge rather than staying in the Superdome when Katrina hit.

There are really few things I can imagine that would be worse than taking advantage of a grieving family while they attend a funeral of their son. Its bad enough the former LSU Tiger died so young, but then these bums steal $16,000 worth of belongings.

This story has flown in under the radar but it is not too surprising this has happened. The fact that Louisianians who have fled out of New Orleans and contributed to record crime rates in Houston, Little Rock, Memphis and Jackson (Mississippi) has not been reported either in the mainstream media either.

With any luck those people that committed the crime against Hill's mom will be caught and rot in Angola for many years.

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