Monday, February 11, 2008

Pink in Thompson-Boling

The Lady Vols and Rutgers are currently playing a game on ESPN 2, the Duece, for Breast Cancer Awareness. The Rutgers' womens team is wearing pink as is virtually everyone in the arena. FREE TEE SHIRTS! Only about 5% of the people in the stands IN KNOXVILLE do not have orange on. Unbelievable, this has to be the least amount of orange at any UT event since 1908 -but I digress.

There are many things that need awareness these days. People need awareness of the actual views of the Presidential candidates, cell phone etiquette and the of evils of UPS. People are plenty aware of breast cancer. I know that breast cancer is horrible. I know that many women get breast cancer. I know that women should do exams on themselves every month. I know that it runs in your family. And I am a MAN that knows I still have a slight chance of getting the disease.

But this is a sporting event. Can we please just play the game without changing uniforms and having a theme? How about we play a game for the sake of winning the game? Now that is an idea.

Note: I am not making light of cancer. I realize it is serious and kills numerous people. Just do not make a sporting event a cancer event.

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