Introducing contributor J. Dredd who will be posting material about his life in Georgia this summer as well contribute other vibrant material to 12th Street Chatter.
We all know it
already, Georgia sucks. Maryland and Washington even think that Georgia sucks. I am forced to live down here right out side the capital of scum itself, Atlanta, with Vick the Governor of trash. I am in the middle of the
Dawgpound" where I am
constantly barked and argued with about SEC football. I am now sick of it and its time to rant so here it is: The Reasons I Hate Georgia.
The reason I hate
Georgia today is that people here will not admit that they are lower in life then a crippled
orphan with fetal alcohol syndrome. I will personally drive every resident to AA and force them to admit their addiction to being terrible people, because it is the first step to recovery. (God knows that they can't recover, but they may still think they have a chance)
The other day I was having a beer and enjoying what little peace I get in a day and before I knew it I heard the drunk ramblings of local yokels. Low and behold three
UGA fans stroll on up with collars popped and reeking of
Smitches. (Don't know what a
smitch is? Then you probably are one,
Smitch). Apparently two of the girl interns I work with got picked up by them from a stop light and they took the girls to a bowling alley. Nice work Romeo, nothing like hurling balls at pins to cement yourself for scoring tonight. Anyways, I told them that I go to UT and then the barking starts. A swift kick to the throat to the "leader
Smitch" quickly ended that. After a few
minutes I granted them permission to speak to me again and we talked about football. After hearing how much
UGA is better then UT (
51-33?) and how
great of an arm Stafford has, it was time that I had to rip their poorly expressed opinions to hell. After ruining their sh!@ they had time to realize how pathetic their
existence is, so they then jumped off a bridge. I say Good Riddance and that Stafford has the same chance to win the Heisman as Lt. Dan has to win an ass kicking contest. I now dare someone in Georgia to argue that
UGA is better then UT without quoting ESPN
Hey congrats, you watched Sports Center and your brain hasn't been completely ruined by the fact your mother is your dad's sister that you can spit up the facts again while in a debate. Form your own damn opinions and stop telling me
Stuart Scott's.
End Transmission...